Hemp Ranks High in The Functional Foods Category!


HempOutHemp hearts, hemp essential fatty acids, hemps incredible complete protein all to support detox health benefit #1 – Functional! Hemp detoxifies the Liver + Colon! 

Raw Hemp protein supplies enough of each of the 9 essential amino acids our body requires. Rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, whole lotta fiber and chlorophyll, hemp is a great detox food to add to your liver cleansing diet. chlorophyll content in hemp allows the body to cleanse the blood. It’s also completely gluten-free and dairy free, which makes it a great choice for people with food intolerance such as allergies, Celiac’s, and any other autoimmune upset to gluten foods.

What makes hemp superior to other plant-based protein sources? Edestin!

On top of being a complete and balanced source of protein, hemp is made of two third of edestin, a substance that only hemp contains. Edestin is a protein that is very similar to the ones found in the human body, which makes is very easy to digest and assimilate. It’s also a wonderful compound to repair DNA.

Did we say repair DNA…isn’t that good for Anti-Aging? YES!!!

Hemp and healthy fats Omega 6 + Omega 3!! Detox for Clogged Arteries + Heart Junk!
Another thing that makes hemp a superior protein source is its unique fat composition. Hemp has the optimum three-to-one ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 established by the World Health Organization. But hemp contains also one of the rare healthy fat sources known as gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). This unique kind of fat is known to help fighting against many chronic diseases.

Hemp Out Agency
Hemp Out Agencyhttp://www.hempout.com/about/teri-wallace-social-media-marketing-strategist-branding-marketing-direc
What is Hemp Out? Hemp Out is a social movement in support of the Hemp culture , by educating, marketing, promoting, socially engaging with consumers on all things hemp to grow a movement we tagged as ‘HEMP OUT’ its purpose, to educated the masses on hemp . It started with 8 savvy women & a stellar digital media design guy that span our efforts across North America. The team with their diverse backgrounds ranging from Nutrition experts, Activists, technicians to writers & researchers seriously fell in love with this incredible story of the hemp plant. We all felt a need to bring forward truth as this plant itself is the most misunderstood little plant alongside by its illicit cousin marijuana… and yet both but, are a remarkably versatile plant, with protective properties, it feeds our planet, saves lives, provides jobs and supports sustainability; we simply knew our mission at the Hemp Out Agency is we must educate the masses.


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