Hemp Seeds Around The World. Give Thanks For Our Beloved Humble Plant That Feeds The World.


Uses of Hemp Seeds around the World:

In Canada & USA  it has become a daily staple.

In parts of Europe traditional soups such as Salesian hemp soup are still enjoyed.

In parts of China, toasted hemp seeds are still sold like popcorn in movie theaters and by street vendors.

In the Ukraine ancient hemp seed recipes are still shared.

The Japanese use ground Hemp seed as a condiment.

Polish cooks continue to bake the hemp seeds into holiday sweets. Hemp butter will soon be available as an alternative to peanut butter. It will taste similar while containing a healthier nutritional content.

It is currently very popular in Russia. Hemp seeds may also be used in dairy alternatives such as ice cream. Hemp seeds may be crushed in a grinder to produce a flour that is capable of being mixed with any other flour to make bread, cakes, pastas and cookies. This seed is capable of being used as a substitute for meat in much the same way as the Soya-bean is used. Hemp seeds can be used as a protein and flavor enhancement in any recipe. No other single plant source can compare with the nutritional value of hemp seeds.


Referenced: http://www.hemp.com/hemp-university/uses-of-hemp/hemp-seeds/

Hemp Out Agency
Hemp Out Agencyhttp://www.hempout.com/about/teri-wallace-social-media-marketing-strategist-branding-marketing-direc
What is Hemp Out? Hemp Out is a social movement in support of the Hemp culture , by educating, marketing, promoting, socially engaging with consumers on all things hemp to grow a movement we tagged as ‘HEMP OUT’ its purpose, to educated the masses on hemp . It started with 8 savvy women & a stellar digital media design guy that span our efforts across North America. The team with their diverse backgrounds ranging from Nutrition experts, Activists, technicians to writers & researchers seriously fell in love with this incredible story of the hemp plant. We all felt a need to bring forward truth as this plant itself is the most misunderstood little plant alongside by its illicit cousin marijuana… and yet both but, are a remarkably versatile plant, with protective properties, it feeds our planet, saves lives, provides jobs and supports sustainability; we simply knew our mission at the Hemp Out Agency is we must educate the masses.

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