Tag: cleaneating

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As Good Foods Go Hemp Seed Is A Rock Star!!!

" In case you were wondering, munching a hemp-spiked muesli bar  isn’t quite  the same as eating a hash cookie." “As good foods go hemp seed...

Dr Oz: Hemp Seeds GLA and Cinnamon Regulates Insulin…

Spotted in media: Dr Oz: Eating At Bedtime, Hemp Seeds GLA & Cinnamon Regulates Insulin Hemp Seeds – Dr. Turner explains that Hemp Seeds help...

Hemp Powered Endurance Running

Fuel up on nature’s most perfect protein when running it is also chock full of omegas, fiber and antioxidants. The great thing about this protein...

Women Find Healthy Hormone Balance with Hemp!

How do EFAs in hemp foods balance us gals out? via Women Find Healthy Hormone Balance with Hemp Manitoba Harvest - Hemp Foods and...

HEMP: Detox with it, Strengthen Blood, Improve Digestion. Hemp You Are Omega O-Mazing!!

When it comes to getting your Omega’s, hemp is through the roof. Lot’s of Omega 3′s and 6′s to keep your heart and brain...

