Tag: trendinghemp

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Hemp Kids? Feeding Vegan Kids is Becoming Almost the Norm These Days…

Feeding vegan kids is becoming almost the norm these days. For breastfeeding mothers, the EFAs from hemp can be a big help in replenishing the...

Hemplicious Bikini Solutions

Cellulite: a fatty deposit causing a dimpled or uneven appearance, as around the thighs and buttocks. Those unsightly dimples that wreak havoc with your self-esteem...

Hemp Paint… oh wow how Eco-Friendly!!

"The most profitable, diverse and desirable crop that can be grown... paint, lacquer use is one of many hemp's uses!"Paint and lacquer manufacturers are...

Canadian Hemp Seed… is Changing the Way We Live, One Seed at a Time!

Hemp is an amazing crop that offers many health benefits.  One of the best reasons to consider hemp is that it does not require...

Weed Stock Spotlight: Creative Edge Nutrition (PINK:FITX) Turns To Hemp – Weed Entrepreneur

We spotted this very innovative Hemp infused protein & chia powder, certainly makes sense on its use of the two power houses for plant-based...

