Tag: trendinghemp

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Organic vs. Conventional Foods…the Green Revolution arose in the 1940s!! History is Repeated!

Organic foods are those that are produced using methods that do not involve modern synthetic inputs such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers, do not contain GMOs,...

Extra! Extra! Hemp Harvest 2011 News Review…

The majority of the hemp sold in the US has been sourced from Canada. Hemp seed is planted in May and harvested 120 days...

Hemp Oil For Your Hair: Rescue 101 – No Salon Required!!

Hemp Oil For Your Hair... super easy to-do at home. Q.) Is it best to use hemp seed internally or externally for your hair?  Most...

High on Hemp Milk?

Q.) Is there any unsafe side effects to drinking hemp milk? What about allergies to nuts or seeds? A.) Hemp milk is made from the...

