When it comes to getting your Omega’s, hemp is through the roof. Lot’s of Omega 3′s and 6′s to keep your heart and brain happy and healthy. PLUS Rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber and chlorophyll, hemp is a great detox food to add to your liver cleansing diet. It’s also completely gluten-free and dairy free, which makes it a great choice for people with food intolerances. On top of being a complete and balanced source of protein, hemp is made of two third of edestin, a substance that only hemp contains. Edestin is a protein that is very similar to the ones found in the human body, which makes is very easy to digest and assimilate. It’s also a wonderful compound to repair DNA.
… HEMP: Detox with it, Strengthen Blood, Improve Digestion… OH Hemp You Are Omega O-Mazing