BUDDHISTS (Tibet, India, and China)—from the 5th Century B.C.E. on—ritually used cannabis; initiation rites and mystical experiences were (are) common in many Chinese Buddhist Sects. Some Tibetan Buddhists and lamas (teacher) consider cannabis their most holy plant. Many Buddhist traditions, writings, and beliefs indicate that “Siddhartha” (the Buddha) himself, used and ate nothing but hemp and its seeds for six years prior to announcing (discovering) his truths and becoming the Buddha (Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path).
Jack Herrer – The Emperor Wears No Clothes
Did you know Buddha used and ate nothing but hemp for 6 years before becoming Buddha? Or some may say The Buddha and Buddhism in general strongly advice against (prohibits, in the case of monks and nuns) the use of any mind-altering substances whatsoever, be it alcohol, drugs or whatever. Buddhist don’t strive for “mystical experiences”, on the contrary all is about seeing the world clearly and unobstructedly as it is. Any kind of mind-altering substance would be a serious obstacle to this.
What do you think?