“The most profitable, diverse and desirable crop that can be grown… paint, lacquer use is one of many hemp’s uses!”
Paint and lacquer manufacturers are interested in hempseed oil which is a good drying agent. When markets have been developed for the products now being wasted, seed and hurds, hemp will prove, both for farmer and the public, the most profitable and desirable crop that can be grown, and one that will make American mills independent of importations. Recent floods and dust storms have given warnings against the destruction of timber. Possibly, the hitherto waste products of flax and hemp may yet meet a good part of that need, especially in the plastic field which is growing by leaps and bounds.
Hemp FACT:
Quality paints and varnishes were made from hemp seed oil until 1937. 58,000 tons of hemp seeds were used in America for paint products in 1935. (Sherman Williams Paint Co. testimony before the U.S.Congress against the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act.)
We found this tutorial from the lovely Miss Mustardseed today on her uses with Hemp Oil with her milk paints, we loved this video!!