Tag: naturalfoodswithHemp

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Hemp Paint… oh wow how Eco-Friendly!!

"The most profitable, diverse and desirable crop that can be grown... paint, lacquer use is one of many hemp's uses!"Paint and lacquer manufacturers are...

Weed Stock Spotlight: Creative Edge Nutrition (PINK:FITX) Turns To Hemp – Weed Entrepreneur

We spotted this very innovative Hemp infused protein & chia powder, certainly makes sense on its use of the two power houses for plant-based...

Best Hemp Bar None!! Meet Betsy… Her Whole food Bars Are Rawkin it with Canadian Hemp!

We believe that a protein bar that both tastes fabulous and delivers energy by relying only on whole healthy foods, will please the palate,...

As Good Foods Go Hemp Seed Is A Rock Star!!!

" In case you were wondering, munching a hemp-spiked muesli bar  isn’t quite  the same as eating a hash cookie." “As good foods go hemp seed...

Dr Oz: Hemp Seeds GLA and Cinnamon Regulates Insulin…

Spotted in media: Dr Oz: Eating At Bedtime, Hemp Seeds GLA & Cinnamon Regulates Insulin Hemp Seeds – Dr. Turner explains that Hemp Seeds help...

