Home Interviews Hemprenuer Spotlight With Hernan Luis Campos Founder of True Hemp Clothing Int. & Hemp 4 Kids

Hemprenuer Spotlight With Hernan Luis Campos Founder of True Hemp Clothing Int. & Hemp 4 Kids

Hemprenuer Spotlight With Hernan Luis Campos Founder of True Hemp Clothing Int. & Hemp 4 Kids

Who iSci 21s? Hernan Luis Campos Born in Boston, Massachusetts this Argentinian has a passion for Industrial Hemp. At a young age dreamed of running through hemp fields this became his endless conviction to support the Industrial Hemp industry. With talents beyond ordinary, Hernan is a Poet, professional level video gamer, an artist manager, activist, promoter, and a Father. Raised in the 70s; Star Wars & Hip Hop became his life and has had some of the greatest influences on Hernan Campos.

3337614_origHis passion as a Hempologist, webmaster & designer continues today with his successful business operations as the Founder of True Hemp Clothing International in Miami, Florida.

As a Father, Hernan’s heart is wide open and certainly takes time to support the youth as a founder of the Non-Profit Hemp 4 Kids. Everything he developed with Hemp and True Hemp Clothing International (thcint) is geared towards kids. The goal of making True Hemp International successful is to ultimately be able to support Hemp 4 Kids.Save Banner Clear

Hemp WILL save the Earth and provide a better future for children than what my generation had. Hemp is my life and my mission is to improve all of our lives through the use of Industrial Hemp.

What others say about Hernan?

He has one incredible magnetic personality.  Complete strangers, the homeless may constantly approach him and feel compelled to talk with him once they feel his compassion, and noticeable aura that gives unconditional love.

Day in a life of Hernan Campos?

images38MV53V7His days residing in Florida vary a lot. From operations in his business, social networking to activism he puts in long days. And when he is not dealing with business operations, you will find him in the nearby café writing articles for industry, research as a Hempologist, writing for web content, for non-profit activism, and his musings as a poet; ” I AM Hemp. Share Me To The Entire EARTH I Grow Hope For Millions ” 

Who are you talking to, or the audience you wish to influence?

All humans and animals on this Earth.

Let us discuss mediums such as books, music or films that inspire your work and social activism?

I try to coveemp98larger every angle of “Hempucation” I can. True Hemp Clothing International is by far my greatest expression of my vision and Hempology. I am always open to spreading awareness through every medium possible. I have done radio, some videos, and written several articles on Hemp. I enjoy all of it as it gives me the opportunity to speak of my brand, goals, and of course the miracle Hemp plant. I hope to do a lot more and even work on films revolving around Industrial Hemp. I speak to everyone about Hemp all the time. I would like to speak to larger crowds at events, rallies, and marches to raise Hemp awareness and share my knowledge of Hemp history. I am involved with and support many Cannabis groups. I have also collected several signatures for United for Care in South Florida and donated money from clothing sales to NORML of South Florida.

I have read several books but the one that stands out and influenced my life in general…The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Jack Herer’s book confirmed several things I already knew in my heart and was the clarification of my purpose on this planet. Industrial Hemp!

Your Mantra prose on what makes you truly unique?

I don’t follow or copy anyone. I certainly do everything on my own and in my own way. I am one of many that have done so much for Cannabis. I’m no more important than all of those contributions. I do take comfort in that no one has done what I do or even attempted it my THC business is a huge collaboration of many talented and special people and fellow Hemp corporate partnerships.

History does not lie and indeed repeats itself. Many farmers and corporations are scrambling to figure things out when they could have simply asked me or other Hemp historians for guidance. Hemp is not new.

Why Hemp?

This is not a short answer. I will be writing in detail about my personal journey with Industrial Hemp in the very near future in a blog series entitled:  My Hempology.0827101751a

In a nutshell. I became aware of Hemp at age 6. We instantly had a kindred relationship and understanding; Hempy and I.  My father was responsible for this. While I quickly learned of many uses for Hemp, Biofuel was my introduction to the miracle plant. In the end, all of my work is done with the intention of improving the lives of children worldwide. I intend to build a solid foundation for my daughter’s future first.

Your ONE MESSAGE to the world?

Invest in Hemp and Save the Earth.

I say this every day to myself and everyone I come by. It does benefit Hemp to invest in True Hemp Clothing International. What I truly mean is to invest your time, love, energy, and even wealth if you can, to Hemp. Eat, wear, and sleep, live your life in a Hempy way.

It makes your life better, longer, and happier. It also improves our planet. I hope to inspire everyone. Cannabis Hemp is for everyone.

Thank my fellow Hempologists for paving the way for what I do and all I’ve contributed to Industrial Hemp… that being also The Hemp corporations, activists, and of course fans of thcint for believing in my dream and giving me the opportunity to work with amazing people to help so many others. THANK YOU ALL! I couldn’t have done all of this without your faith in me.

Want to connect with this passion… he is social.



True Hemp Clothing International - http://www.thcint.com                                       
Hemp 4 Kids Official Page - http://www.thcint.com/hemp-4-kids
Twitter - https://twitter.com/thcint                                                          
Hemp 4 Kids Facebook https://www.facebook.com/hemp4kids
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/thcint2012
Google Plus - https://plus.google.com/+HempVictory/about                                 
Instagram - http://instagram.com/thcint                  
Pinterest - http://www.pinterest.com/thcint/pins/                                              
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/true-hemp-clothing-international
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/thcint


  1. Very inspiring journey of Hernan and THCint!
    I love the moto ‘invest in Hemp and Save the Earth’ – God has given it all to us for our benefit.
    As an industrial chemist I wonder why the industrial uses of hemp and the science of hempology in general are not part of the program curriculum. It is now time to incorporate it in the related science and engineering programs.

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